
Nuclear energy have to be controled

One of the most modern sources of energy and that no doubt has raised more polemic, is undoubtedly the nuclear power. The nuclear power, has positive and negative points.

Nowadays, the nuclear industry presents several dangers. These dangers, might have a big repercussion in the environment and in the humans if it are liberated to the atmosphere. The most important dangers are the radiation and the constant risk of a possible nuclear explosion. There are 2 kinds of radiation: natural and artificial. The first one is found in the earth and the scond one is created by humans for different uses like massive destrution bombs.

An other point against energy is the environment contamination because the residues treatment cost is high and there aren't places for make this practices in correct way. An other conquence of this is the danger that it has for the people because many terrorist groups want this material for make bombs and guns to destroy countries.

A long time after, the radioactive residues will produce many problems in human lifes. Because of that reason, babies in the futures will have problems like mutations in their bodies.

Nevertheless, the nuclear power has brought many advantages. For example medicin udses it for cancer treatment in the chemotherapy. Also, the electricy generetion is one of the most important uses.

Finally the nuclear energy is good if it is uses for human benefit. Fot that reason the nuclear power must be controled because a bad use of it could damage our lifes and the environment.

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