

During the whole history have been created a lot of inventions that help people to have a better communication. It is necessary to have a proper and clear communication, that’s why these kinds oh inventions become fundamental to have them and get them. Let’s talk about two of the most important inventors in mass medias history: Johannes Gutenberg and August and Louis Lumiere. For talk about this important characters I’m going to describe their lives and then i’m going to expose their inventions and their importance for the community.

At first, Johannes Gutenberg was born in Mainz, Germany in 1398. He was a German blacksmith who invented the first movil press in Europe. He dead on February 3rd in 1468. In the other hand, the Lumiere brothers were born in
Besançon, France. They created a device that served as camera or as projector: the cinematograph, which was based on the persistence retiniana of images on the human eye

The brothers Lumiere and Gutenberg, were born in different epochs and dedicated their lives to different trades; Gutemberg like a blacksmith and Louis and August like a physicist and manager, respectively. Nevertheless, they had relation as for the importance of their inventions for the future development of the new technologies. The inventions of each one of these prominent figures were focused in different areas of the mass medias. First, the brothers Lumiere with the invention of the cinema, as an audio-visual innovative resource and without precedents and in the other hand, Gutenberg with the creation of the mobile press, result of the improvement of the press created by the Chinese centuries before.

Another difference between them is that the innovation is different in each one of them because Gutemberg gives new uses to something that already exist whereas the Lumiere brothers made a new idea with the photography creating a new machine: the cinematography

Both of the invention were so important for the mass media evolution and made that the Social Communication had a different fools for transmit new ideas for people. Without these kinds of inventions we never could get the development level that we have now days

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